Capacity Limitation Contract (day-ahead)
1Market parties that have a capacity limitation contract with a grid operator submit a bid, as agreed, to reduce their power output.
When bids are specifically requested (intraday) in congestion situations, this is referred to as voluntary bidding via redispatch, or simply redispatch.
Submitting bids for redispatch is done through a Congestion Service Provider (CSP) in combination with one of the trading platforms partnered with GOPACS.
If you offer your flexible capacity on the day it is needed, this is referred to as intraday and redispatch.
Within redispatch, there are two types of contracts:
In redispatch, we generally talk about voluntary market bids. These bids occur intraday, meaning on the day the capacity is needed.
Do you have additional questions? Contact us, check out our comprehensive guide, or visit the FAQ page.
If the supply of or demand for electricity is greater than the electricity grid in a given region can handle, the grid operator calls on the market to use or generate more or less electricity. The market includes parties such as energy suppliers and aggregators and wholesale customers.
These companies then indicate the price at which they wish to do so, called flex bid (also called congestion bid). If the flex bid is taken, the market participant receives a fee for it.
You can see that in the congestion portal. In addition, all declines are also published on the grid operators’ websites and on GOPACS.eu
De congestiegebieden worden weergegeven op de volgende webpagina:https://capaciteitskaart.netherlands.en/
Grid operators do as much as possible to avoid transportation restrictions. Unfortunately, due to huge demand, this is not always possible. In some cases, with the help of our customers who have flex available, we can mitigate the congestion situation. This often involves a short period such as a few weeks in winter, for example.
This prevents problems on the power grid. However, this does not mean that this will also make additional capacity available for companies to expand their electricity capacity. This is another step further that in many cases is unfortunately not possible until we have the power grid upgraded or expanded with an additional station.
For more information and to enter into a capacity reduction contract, please contact your system operator. This contract is negotiated directly between you and your network operator.