Participate as a Congestion Service Provider (CSP)
1As a recognized congestion service provider (CSP), you have various opportunities to participate in congestion management.
To keep the electricity grid stable and reliable, effective congestion management is essential. This requires adjustable, flexible capacity from market participants and large commercial users. This capacity is made available through the GOPACS platform, which serves as the key tool for grid operators. Will you join us?
Together, we manage flexible capacity.
The GOPACS platform is a tool used by Dutch grid operators for congestion management.
In case of congestion in the electricity grid, grid operators allocate the limited space. This is called congestion management.
GOPACS is the tool by and for grid operators to reduce capacity shortages on the electricity grid, or congestion, to keep the grid reliable and affordable. Hiervoor is regelbaar, flexibel vermogen nodig van marktpartijenengroot zakelijke gebruikers.
GOPACS is a partnership of the Dutch grid operators to engage in joint congestion management. This form of cooperation is unique within Europe. Cooperation ensures that solving a problem in one part of the network does not create a problem in another part of the network.
Grid operators increasingly face grid congestion. GOPACS allows participants to easily help resolve congestion situations with their available flexibility. Participating in GOPACS also provides additional earning opportunities with your flexible assets.
The ability of parties in the congestion area and parties outside it is needed. This is because grid operators must maintain balance on the grid at all times. GOPACS thus provides a win-win situation: grid operators can solve congestion situations and participants can generate additional revenue.
Participation in GOPACS is of interest to any market participant that can influence its electricity consumption or generation. Read more about participating here.
Unfortunately, that is not possible. The grid operators use the date of entry for all applications to determine the order of priority.
Whether or not to participate in making flex bids is separate from that. However, it is of course true that our goal with the flex bids is to reduce congestion situations c.q. fix it and that all customers benefit from it.
On this page you will find more information about that.
Unfortunately, the grid operator cannot offer off-take guarantees. Whether your bid is taken advantage of depends on the time and location. The system operator selects the bid required to resolve the congestion situation.