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Participating as a CSP

As a recognized Congestion Service Provider (CSP), you have various options to participate in congestion management. This can be done, for example, through Redispatch (with or without a bidding obligation) or through a capacity restriction contract (CBC). To do this, it is necessary to have the correct contract with your network operator, except for voluntary redispatch. This can be arranged directly via a trading platform.

The Market Role of CSP

Since the new Grid Code, it has been legally stipulated that the trading of capacity can only be done through a Congestion Service Provider (CSP). This market role has existed in Europe for a longer time, but it is new in the Netherlands. To place bids on GOPACS, you must register as a CSP on the TenneT website.

If you choose to have your bids placed by a CSP, they will place the bids on your behalf on GOPACS via a trading platform. You will receive a market-conforming payment if the bid is called, and the network operator can reduce the congestion situation on the electricity grid.

The CSP provides congestion management services on behalf of one or more connected parties. The CSP does this for parties with a Contracted Transport Capacity (CTC) of 0.1 MW to 60 MW. If your CTC is greater than 60 MW, both you and your CSP are required to offer the capacity to TenneT via the Reserve Other Purposes (ROP) channel.

Registering as a Recognized CSP in 3 Steps

Below, we explain the three steps you need to go through to place bids as a CSP via GOPACS. Even if you are already recognized as a BSP (Balance Service Provider), you still need to complete the CSP registration process.

1. Request Recognition as a CSP

You can register as a CSP via the TenneT website. TenneT is the national grid operator that conducts the testing for CSP recognition on behalf of all network operators (and GOPACS). CSPs are recognized after successfully passing a National Assessment. No prequalification of the connection is required for CSP recognition.

Zon en wind

2. Register as a Market Participant

After receiving CSP recognition through TenneT, you can register in the central Market Participants Register (MAR). Here, you arrange a new registration and access to the energy market. You can do this through the Partners in Energy website.

3. Prequalifying Connections via GOPACS

Once you are registered as a CSP in the Market Participants Register and have received your EAN13 code, you can sign up for GOPACS. The final step to place bids via GOPACS is to prequalify your connections. For this, you need to submit the EAN codes in the GOPACS application for the connection(s) through which you want to place bids. After assessment by the grid operators, you will be able to place bids yourself via GOPACS.

4. Preparing Bids

Here are some important things to consider:

  • Ensure your bids are placed at a physical location in the Netherlands (or via the Britned cable).
  • The locations (grid connections) where you want to place bids must be prequalified in advance. This means that the relevant grid operator will check if all requirements, such as available measurement data and forecasts, are met.
  • This prequalification procedure starts when you register your grid connections in the GOPACS application. You can also track the progress of prequalification within the GOPACS application.
Windmolens op een dijk

5. Activating Bids

Once your grid connections are marked as ‘Active’ in the GOPACS application, bids can be selected and activated by the GOPACS algorithm to resolve congestion issues.

The market messages page provides an overview of the open requests for redispatch.

Don’t Want to Become a CSP, but Need One?

If you don’t want to become a Congestion Service Provider (CSP) yourself, you can join a CSP and make agreements to reduce your consumption at specific times. A CSP works closely with grid operators to prevent congestion. You can find a list of all CSPs in the joint CSP register on TenneT’s website.

To the CSP-register
Registration with One CSP for All Grid Operators

GOPACS plays an important role in managing congestion on the Dutch electricity grid. The platform is a joint initiative of the Dutch grid operators. CSP recognition is nationwide and applies to all grid operators. Registration as a CSP is required only once. However, prequalification must be completed for each connection.

Who owns GOPACS?

Frequently Asked Questions About CSPs

If you have other questions, feel free to contact us, consult our detailed guide, or visit the frequently asked questions page.

What is the role of a CSP in congestion management?

De CSP biedt congestiemanagementdiensten aan namens één of meerdere aangeslotenen, volgens de voorwaarden van de Netcode. This is what a CSP does for affiliates with a GTV of 01 MW or higher. Read more about the role of CSPs here

Does non-market-based congestion management also require a CSP?

Yes, even in non-market-based congestion management, deployment of a CSP is mandatory. As an affiliate, you must be an approved CSP yourself or be represented by a CSP. The CSP then submits bids on your behalf.

Is the CSP approval procedure required if you are an approved BSP?

The recognition procedure for CSP applies in principle to everyone. Each party must go through the CSP approval process. Er is wel een versneld registratieproces beschikbaar voor partijen die al voor de nieuwe Netcode (2022) congestiemanagementdiensten aanboden via GOPACS of RESIN.

Will one CSP accreditation suffice for all grid operators?

Yes, the CSP recognition is nationwide and thus applies to all grid operators. Registration as a CSP is only required once. However, you must additionally complete a prequalification per connection.

Where can I see which areas are requesting bids?

On this page you will find the congestion areas for which grid operators are making or have made a call for proposals.

Other Forms of Participation

How to participate

Participating via a CSP?

Check out the different products that are called upon via GOPACS.

Register as participant
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