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Participate as Asset Owner

As an asset owner with flexible capacity, you have the unique opportunity to contribute to a more stable and efficient energy grid by entering into a congestion management contract. By flexibly utilizing your capacity, you help absorb the peaks and valleys in energy demand, which not only contributes to the reliability of the grid but can also provide financial benefits for you.

Three Ways to Participate in Congestion Management

With the right contract, you can benefit from compensation for providing your capacity at times when the grid needs it most. In doing so, you contribute to a more sustainable energy system while optimizing the return on your assets.

1. Directly with the Grid Operator

Can you temporarily use more or less electricity at fixed times? Then enter into a capacity limitation contract with your grid operator. In our knowledge base, you can view example contracts. Do you want to know if you have enough flexible capacity? Fill out the congestion form on Partners in Energy.

Check your capacity
2. Via a Congestion Service Provider (CSP)

You can also join a CSP and make agreements to reduce your consumption at specific times. They work with grid operators to prevent congestion. You can find an overview of all CSPs on TenneT’s website. If you want to participate in the intraday market, this must always be done through a CSP.

View the CSP Register
3. As a Congestion Service Provider (CSP)

As a recognized CSP, you can participate in congestion management in various ways, such as via Redispatch (with or without bidding obligation) or a capacity limitation contract (CBC). For this, you must have the correct contract with your grid operator, except for free redispatch, which can be arranged directly via a trading platform.

Become a CSP

Things to Arrange

If you want to offer the flexible capacity of your asset, several things need to be arranged. This is outlined in the table below and depends on when you can manage your capacity flexibly.

contracten en wat te regelen

Frequently Asked Questions About Participating as an Asset Owner

Do you have other questions? Please contact us, check out our detailed guide, or go to the FAQ page.

What are the benefits of participating?

Grid operators increasingly face grid congestion. GOPACS allows participants to easily help resolve congestion situations with their available flexibility. Participating in GOPACS also provides additional earning opportunities with your flexible assets.

The ability of parties in the congestion area and parties outside it is needed. This is because grid operators must maintain balance on the grid at all times. GOPACS thus provides a win-win situation: grid operators can solve congestion situations and participants can generate additional revenue.

What are flex bids?

If the supply of or demand for electricity is greater than the electricity grid in a given region can handle, the grid operator calls on the market to use or generate more or less electricity. The market includes parties such as energy suppliers and aggregators and wholesale customers.

These companies then indicate the price at which they wish to do so, called flex bid (also called congestion bid). If the flex bid is taken, the market participant receives a fee for it.

Do flex bids exempt me from transportation restrictions?

Grid operators do as much as possible to avoid transportation restrictions. Unfortunately, due to huge demand, this is not always possible. In some cases, with the help of our customers who have flex available, we can mitigate the congestion situation. This often involves a short period such as a few weeks in winter, for example.

This prevents problems on the power grid. However, this does not mean that this will also make additional capacity available for companies to expand their electricity capacity. This is another step further that in many cases is unfortunately not possible until we have the power grid upgraded or expanded with an additional station.

I would like a bid contract, how do I arrange it?

For more information and to enter into a bidding contract, please contact your grid operator. This contract is concluded directly between the grid operator and you, the customer. For more information, see the page on bid obligation contracts.

Do I get extra transport capacity faster if I participate in flex bids?

Unfortunately, that is not possible. The grid operators use the date of entry for all applications to determine the order of priority.

Whether or not to participate in making flex bids is separate from that. However, it is of course true that our goal with the flex bids is to reduce congestion situations c.q. fix it and that all customers benefit from it.

Other Ways to Participate

How to participate
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By contributing to solving the congestion problem through GOPACS, I have an extension to get more out of my CHP. This offers me a better return.

Rob Oostrom Eigenaar - Kwekerij Lijntje

Optimax Energy is very excited about GOPACS because it allows us, as a young trading company, to participate in a congestion management mechanism in the Netherlands through a very transparent and well-defined process. Energy markets are changing rapidly and we believe that these mechanisms must also evolve to meet the challenges ahead in a more innovative and clear-cut way.

Vitor Campos Power trader - Optimax Energie

Congestion is a major social problem that is only increasing. That’s why we were one of the first to get in. Powerhouse is convinced that with Gopacs’ platform and our customers’ ability, we can provide a solution to the transportation problem.

Logo Powerhouse EnergyGroup
Bernard Wilmet CEO - Powerhouse

Ready to participate directly?

Sign up now at GOPACS with your flexible capacity.

Register as participant
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