Participate as a Congestion Service Provider (CSP)
1As a recognized congestion service provider (CSP), you have various opportunities to participate in congestion management.
GOPACS matches supply and demand of flexible capacity. Grid operators must have the ability to handle capacity flexibly, such as reducing or increasing consumption. This is how they maintain balance on the electricity grid. GOPACS is not a trading platform. For GOPACS, grid operators work together with various energy trading platforms, such as ETPA and EPEX SPOT.
Through these platforms, participants can submit their flexible capacity offers to GOPACS via a congestion service provider (CSP). If you have a capacity restriction contract, you can also participate directly on the GOPACS platform without going through a trading platform.
You have flexible capacity if you can temporarily or structurally adjust your consumption or generation (feed-in) of electricity. If you want to know whether your flexible capacity can contribute to congestion management, you can fill out the form via Partners in Energy. Your grid operator will contact you as soon as possible. If you have a personal relationship manager at your grid operator, you can also contact them.
Suppose there is congestion somewhere in the electricity grid. To resolve this congestion situation, grid operators might want less electricity production in this part of the electricity grid. The congestion situation is entered into GOPACS and a market message is sent to indicate that there is congestion in the grid.
There are several possibilities, depending on when the capacity is needed:
Intraday, meaning on the day itself
Day ahead, meaning day-1
The relevant market parties generate additional income with capacity they didn’t need at that time, and the grid operators can resolve congestion situations in the Dutch electricity grid.
If you want to participate, you must meet certain conditions.
GOPACS reduces capacity shortages in the grid for a stable and reliable power supply.
During grid congestion, grid operators distribute the limited space. This is called congestion management.
If you want to participate on the GOPACS platform, you must meet certain requirements.