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Capacity Restriction Contract (Day-Ahead)

Consumers and businesses can shift their electricity consumption to times with lower demand. This is arranged within a Capacity Restriction Contract (CBC). These contracts can be called up via GOPACS.

Day-Ahead has 2 Contract Types

If you offer your flexible capacity on the day before it is needed, this is called day-ahead. Within day-ahead, there are 2 types of contracts:

  • Capacity restriction contracts; this page focuses on this topic
  • Alternative Transport Rights (ATO’s) – this is not yet facilitated via the GOPACS platform

More about the Capacity Restriction Contract

  • Market parties that have a capacity restriction contract with a network operator place a bid to reduce their capacity as agreed.
  • The amount of capacity reduced and the associated compensation are specified in the contract with the network operator.
  • There are variants of the Capacity Restriction Contract (CBC) where capacity is reduced either on demand or in a time block.
    • With the Capacity Restriction Contract (CBC) on demand, in addition to the ATO (Connection and Transport Agreement), agreements are made to transport less energy at specific variable times (for compensation).
    • With the Capacity Restriction Contract (CBC) with time block, agreements are made to use or inject less capacity at fixed times (for compensation).


For more information and to conclude a capacity restriction contract, you can contact your network operator. This contract is directly concluded between you and your network operator.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Capacity Restriction Contract

Do you have additional questions? Contact us, check out our comprehensive guide, or visit the Frequently Asked Questions page.

What are flex bids?

If the supply of or demand for electricity is greater than the electricity grid in a given region can handle, the grid operator calls on the market to use or generate more or less electricity. The market includes parties such as energy suppliers and aggregators and wholesale customers.

These companies then indicate the price at which they wish to do so, called flex bid (also called congestion bid). If the flex bid is taken, the market participant receives a fee for it.

What are the benefits of participating?

Grid operators increasingly face grid congestion. GOPACS allows participants to easily help resolve congestion situations with their available flexibility. Participating in GOPACS also provides additional earning opportunities with your flexible assets.

The ability of parties in the congestion area and parties outside it is needed. This is because grid operators must maintain balance on the grid at all times. GOPACS thus provides a win-win situation: grid operators can solve congestion situations and participants can generate additional revenue.

How many congestion areas/scarcity areas/bottlenecks are there?

De congestiegebieden worden weergegeven op de volgende webpagina:https://capaciteitskaart.netherlands.en/

I am interested in a capacity reduction contract. How can I arrange it?

For more information and to enter into a capacity reduction contract, please contact your system operator. This contract is negotiated directly between you and your network operator.

Do I get extra transport capacity faster if I participate in flex bids?

Unfortunately, that is not possible. The grid operators use the date of entry for all applications to determine the order of priority.

Whether or not to participate in making flex bids is separate from that. However, it is of course true that our goal with the flex bids is to reduce congestion situations c.q. fix it and that all customers benefit from it.

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