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Marketplace for and by grid operators

GOPACS is an initiative of the Dutch grid operators. The platform is a marketplace where demand and supply of flexible capacity come together.

On one hand, GOPACS is for the grid operators so they can manage congestion. On the other hand, GOPACS is for market parties, such as asset owners and large consumers, who want to offer flexible capacity for congestion management.

Better distribution of supply and demand

Better distribution of supply and demand, here’s how it works in short:

  • When there is congestion in the electricity grid, the grid operators allocate the limited space on the electricity grid. This happens when the demand for electricity transport is higher than the grid can handle.
  • If demand is too high at a certain time, the grid operators ask market parties via GOPACS if they can temporarily reduce their electricity consumption or generation during such peak moments, in exchange for a market-based payment.
  • The temporary reduction in consumption or generation may have been contractually agreed in advance via a capacity-limiting contract.
  • Sometimes extra capacity is needed during the day. In such cases, bids are requested via redispatch.
  • The freed-up space is distributed among other users of the electricity grid.
  • Through congestion management, space is created on the electricity grid, and the customer simultaneously receives compensation for the capacity they did not need at that time.
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GOPACS creates a win-win situation. The flexible purchase or provision of power by customers, energy suppliers/generators and market participants allows grid operators to make better use of the current power grid. This way we avoid expensive investments and therefore an increase in energy bills. And at the same time, new earning opportunities arise for parties participating in GOPACS. This makes GOPACS a unique initiative, born of intensive cooperation between the Dutch grid operators.

Logo Stedin
David Peters CTO - Stedin

In recent years, we have seen a significant increase in the cost of solving congestion. TenneT is increasingly deploying the GOPACS platform, making it an important means of preventing congestion. The purpose of this platform is to give more parties with flexibility easy access to a growing market for congestion services. Orders on the GOPACS platform contribute to the most cost-effective resolution of congestion and solutions can come from all grid planes, from all conceivable assets and from across the country.

TenneT Logo
Maarten Abbenhuis COO - TenneT

Congestion is a major social problem that is only increasing. That’s why we were one of the first to get in. Powerhouse is convinced that with Gopacs’ platform and our customers’ ability, we can provide a solution to the transportation problem.

Logo Powerhouse EnergyGroup
Bernard Wilmet CEO - Powerhouse

Optimax Energy is very excited about GOPACS because it allows us, as a young trading company, to participate in a congestion management mechanism in the Netherlands through a very transparent and well-defined process. Energy markets are changing rapidly and we believe that these mechanisms must also evolve to meet the challenges ahead in a more innovative and clear-cut way.

Vitor Campos Power trader - Optimax Energie

Ready to help build a future-proof grid?

Sign up with GOPACS with your flexible capacity.

How to participate
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