GOPACS hosts breakout sessions during CSP day

4 December 2024
CSP dag

Today, CSPs from all over the country came to Amersfoort to be updated on the latest developments in congestion and congestion management during the CSP Day. GOPACS provided 2 breakout sessions.

Ranko Stojakovic en Mike ten Wolde, bestuurders van GOPACS,deelden hun visie op ontwikkelingen rondom flexibel vermogen enhet groeiend belang van het GOPACS-platform hierbij. Participants were also updated on the trading platforms that are (or will be) facilitated through GOPACS. And heard more about the benefits of central contractual arrangements, or framework contracts, for the CSP as well as market participants.

The CSP Day is an initiative of grid operators Coteq Netbeheer, Enexis, TenneT TSO B.V., Stedin, Alliander, Westland Infra en RENDO-Groep en vindt op plaats op het kantoor van Energie Data Services Nederland (EDSN) en MFFBAS. The joint organization is in the hands of Netbeheer Nederland.


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